The Sequencer: A brief history of Rupert Murdoch

Mike Scialom
4 min readJul 24, 2022

After the assassination of JFK, God decided they needed a lie-down, so they put the nightwatchman on duty. Being a bit of a rookie, the nightwatchman struggled for a while and made some pretty basic errors. Wars were allowed to go on longer than they should, and the cap on greed — which had been switched off temporarily a couple of years before to boost people’s spirits — had never been switched back on. It was a pretty bad oversight but there was worse to follow. The nightwatchman’s role as Supervisor of The Cull was discharged to the letter, but not to the spirit, of the law. Specifically, he kept allowing the wrong people to go. Musicians, artists, cultural heroes, positive role models, revolutionaries and leaders of alternative movements for a better world were not meant to be taken early, but for a long time they were top of the list. In fact they only went further down the list when they were an endangered species, and then they were patronised and treated as pets: instead of being properly heard, their voices were re-rendered as cameos.

Horses are more grounded on the Earth than humans will ever be

The main stage was gradually taken over by those who would surely have been culled if G-d was on duty. Chief among these errant knights was a media mogul, whose malign influence began to permeate the garden of Eden that was Earth until from it emerged a stench which offended many galactic entities. Some of these entities were visitors to the errant world, which was now fast slipping its moorings. Only essential visits — incognito, without fanfare — became the norm. Without dissenting voices, any suggestion of any motive other than greed was driven from the public discourse by the mogul, whose time was inexplicably extended on and on by the nightwatchman to the point that there were those in the Higher Order who suspected that maybe the nightwatchman had committed some act against G-d to prevent their return. And others, seeing the preference being given to the media mogul, decided to try their chances.

Musicians, artists, cultural heroes, positive role models, revolutionaries and leaders of alternative movements…instead of being properly heard, their voices were re-rendered as cameos

G-d, who had worked so hard to clear up the carnage wreaked during the Second Great War, failed to ensure that the despots, the wreckers, the buffoons and the journeymen autocrats, were given short shrift. They were able to drift through a portal in the code without hindrance, and even to return to the source for nourishment before going back to the early space-time continuum and laying down their destructive ideology with renewed intensity. Observers could only conclude that the nightwatchman was either himself asleep or, more likely, in cahoots with the mogul and his spawn. And so it was that during this time — the decades after the assassination that had so weakened the sequence — there were threats to the underlying dynamics of existence which no one was able to even slow down, let alone halt. Quite the opposite — the mogul had worked out how to edit the code and speed the dynamics of the collective mind on Earth up, faster and faster, until everyone was swamped in slurry and bile and pathos, and the act of living became an act of courage and endurance with no respite for celebration or tenderness, no room for grace or mercy.

Ice diamonds

And the nightwatchman is still running the show, and still he lets the mogul unleash his furies on every land on Earth. The oversight board in the echelons of the Higher Order are frantically working the levers to kill him, but even when he finally is reabsorbed into the Great Entity, it will be too late. His legacy will be the poisoned air we breathe, the nutrition-free food we eat, the endless parade of masked highwaymen and women who pollute the highest offices the world has to offer, and the burned-out landscape our children inherit. They will skip past us, the so-called elders and guardians, to the time when the Beautiful Beings were honoured, and they will rehearse their words in the public spaces and forums, and remind us of who we are, and what our potential is.

‘Day and night cannot dwell together’ — Duwamish

‘When we show our respect for other living things, they respond with respect for us’ — ArapahoIf

‘Those who have one foot in the canoe, and one foot in the boat, are going to fall into the river’ — Tuscarora

‘When we wonder often, the gift of knowledge will come’ — Arapaho

‘You can’t wake a person who is pretending to be asleep’— Navajo

‘We will be known forever by the tracks we leave’ — Dakota



Mike Scialom

Journalist, writer; facilitator at Cambridge Open Media