Why did Nostradamus say the ‘Spare’ will become the heir?
Is Prince Harry the ‘King of the Islands who never expected to be king’?
Why do people get so angry at Prince Harry? The announcement of his new book, ‘Spare’, due on sale in the new year, has prompted frothing and outrage in the UK.

He’s been called ‘privileged’, ‘selfish’, ‘spoilt’, ‘arrogant’, ‘rude’…. why? Prince Henry Charles Albert David, Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton, Baron Kilkeel, formerly Prince Harry of Wales, is the second son of King Charles III and Princess Diana. Born on September the 15th 1984, he moved to Los Angeles in March 2020 with his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex. He has since renounced his royal titles, and is no longer receiving any funding from the UK state.
To all intents and purposes it appears Prince Harry has decided to become a wellness bore living in California. So why the endless carping in the UK media and on social media?
The key moment in Harry’s childhood took place on September the 6th 1997, when he walked behind his mother’s coffin a few days after she was killed in a car crash in Paris. The picture of him and his brother William ‘doing their duty’ on that day is indelible. You would think people would cut him some slack, but quite the contrary. People hate him.
Why would someone most people have never met be so hated? It would be understandable if they had done truly terrible things, but Harry hasn’t. He served his country in Afghanistan with distinction. He doesn’t seem to be much of a drinker or drug-taker or a playboy. He doesn’t express any strong political views. So what’s going on?
I’m going to give you three reasons, and none of them involves Meghan. Meghan is a distraction, a bait. People that can’t quite manage to lay into Harry find, in Meghan, an alternative route. She is a cipher for people’s feelings about Harry. Let’s stick to the chase.

Firstly, the British psyche is a cesspit of unresolved issues and Harry has, perhaps unknowingly, shone a light on the real tragedy going on in the UK. Have you noticed how appallingly the ruling cadres treat the populace? The British people, in the last few years, have been abused, robbed, humiliated, incarcerated in poverty, denied the right to protest, gaslit to oblivion — yet there is no sign of a revolution, no sign of the oppressed rising up to overthrow the evil landlords who have state-captured Parliament, the House of Lords, the national media, the levers of financial power. Why not? Three little words: stiff upper lip. The British people have been totally brainwashed into thinking that saying nothing, carrying on regardless, acting as if nothing has happened — these qualities are seen as admirable. But Harry broke the rule. He talked about his pain. He shared his feelings. Then he quit his gilded cage. This is unforgivable. Most people can’t, don’t know how to, or won’t quit their cage in the UK — and they’re mostly very far from being gilded. How dare he!?
The second iconic event also took place at Diana’s funeral. One was the boys walking behind the coffin. The other was the eulogy delivered by Earl Spencer, Diana’s brother. Apparently addressing his older sister, he said: “On behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned.”
Did you catch that? ‘Not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned’? That is heresy in England. People don’t sing openly, they cower, they stew, they fret — and they damn well do their duty as tradition dictates. Anything else is sedition. Ever since Spencer gave his speech the media has spent all its energy trying to put that genie back in its bottle. And now here he is, our Harry, living an apparently great life in California, the bird that freed itself, the bird that sings openly and, to many ears, rather sweetly. For some, this is treason. He must be crushed lest others have similar ideas.
Thirdly, Harry is mentioned in the prophecies of Nostradamus. Michel de Nostredame (December 1503-July 1566) is the world’s most famous and accurate predictor of the future: he foretold the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, the atomic bomb, the assassination of JFK and 9/11. In one quatrain (stanza), published in 1555, the sagacious Frenchman predicts that King Charles III — the ‘King of the Islands’ — will be ‘forced out’, and ‘a man who never expected to be king’ will ascend the throne. The quatrain predicted the exact age at which The Queen would die, according to Mario Reading’s 2005 book Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies for the Future. And after the Queen’s death, says Nostradamus, her successor will abdicate.

“Because they disapproved of his divorce, a man who later they considered unworthy; The People will force out the King of the islands; A Man will replace who never expected to be king,” Nostradamus wrote. Harry is not mentioned by name, but could it be him, this ‘man who never expected to be king’?
Everyone in the Kingdom knows that Charles is headstrong. The headlines just today suggest that the prime minister, Rishi Sunak, banned the king from going to the upcoming COP27 climate change conference in Egypt. King Charles won’t put up with that sort of interference for too long. Yes it’s possible, as per the Nostradamus prophecy, that people disapprove of his divorce, and that disapproval is just simmering under the surface, but it will need something extra to get the new king to abdicate. Perhaps the Tory Party will start tinkering more openly with the constitution to sideline the royals. Perhaps King Charles, irked by the suffering his people are having to endure, will spark a constitutional crisis, is muzzled by the Sunak regime ‘in the national interest’, and abdicates in protest.
Or perhaps, in ‘Spare’, Harry will reveal something so shocking, so traumatic to the nation, that Charles will have to abdicate and take the House of Windsor down with him, and Harry will become king thanks to his House of Stuart lineage, which many royal commentators and historians say has a much stronger claim to the throne than the House of Windsor anyway. And curiously, though he has disavowed the royal family, he remains, legitimately, a Duke……
So what would such a revelation involve? Could it perhaps concern Diana and her early death? Something to do with the lineage of Diana’s offspring? You might think it’s a ridiculous idea, but it’s no more ridiculous than the mind-bending situation Britain is already in.
‘Spare’ is published on January 10, 2023.